What does “having it all” mean to you? How has this idea changed over the years for you? Growing up, the idea of “having it all” was a feminist ideal whereby women could have kids and a career. I don't have kids, so maybe I'm not “having it all,” but I feel grateful that I can pursue my career as a filmmaker, and choose when or if to have kids. As a Buddhist, the idea of “having it all” is funny to me. If we're all one, we all have it all already.
How does your work feed your personal life? And vice versa? I have a video production company which funds my passion projects as a filmmaker. These films draw on stories from my personal life and help me find meaning in my life. My work as a filmmaker has influenced many choices from where I live to who I hang out with to what I do for fun. So for me, work and personal life are intrinsically intertwined.
What makes you complete? A balance of work, creative projects, friends and family, meditation, exercise, travel, art, nature, and self-exploration.
Portrait by Penda Diakite