What does “having it all” mean to you? It’s when me and my son are succeeding. A partner isn’t important to me these days. It’s just not in my head. It’s about me and succeeding at being independent.
What are your current life and professional goals? My goal right now is finding stability. Finding a a job that I can be happy in. It’s not just the money—it’s working around people who are understanding of my situation as a mom and can relate. You have to be a mom to understand. We all go through the same challenges and struggles.
What’s your favorite mom moment that you would recreate everyday if you could? The commute to school. It’s quality time together, just relaxed and talking. It’s downtime, just me and him. After the rush of the morning, we get in the taxi or train and then walk. This time is precious.
Portrait by Etienne Fang