What does “having it all” mean to you? I don’t really think about whether I have it all, so that question is tough for me. Rather, I do check in with myself and assess if an area of my life needs a little more nourishing. I have enjoyed great careers as an author, communications expert, PR maven, UNICEF staffer and teacher; I have travelled extensively and explored most wine regions across the globe. You don’t have to subscribe to just one way of living for your entire life. Everything changes, and you can create that change.
What was the hardest thing you learned about yourself when you became a mom? That I look at the world differently and my children are at the center of all my decision-making.
What drives your passion and excitement for work and life? In life, new adventures both far away and in my own neighborhood, inspiring individuals, long walks and trying something new regularly.
In work, I am a big believer in showing up your best self and having an internal check-in on what that means every morning. Sounds a little "self-help" but this keeps me in check.
Portrait by Vivian Johnson